Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Top Artists this Week (Aug 4 - Aug 10)

(via my last.fm)

Last.fm decided to suck it last week and didn't scrobble anything I had listened to on my iPod. And I basically ONLY listen to music on my iPod. So, I only have four top artists this past week. Though Ryan Adams was listened to a whole bunch, #1 probably would have been She & Him. Oh well.

Today I started listening to Say Hi to Your Mom, a recommend from both Lindsay and Rick. I've listened to one album so far, but it seems pretty mellow, Postal Service-y stuff. We'll see if I get as addicted to it as my friends.

The show last night was girl-screamingly loud and intense. I've decided (since, c'mon, this is what you DO with boy bands) that I have a prediliction for Joe. If I were fifteen years old, that is. Because otherwise, not really. I thought back to my past boy band crushes (Jordan Knight) and Joe fits the description best. Plus, Nick's Billy Joel storytelling-whilst-playing-piano bit was just a little too sentimental for me. Oh yeah, he "cried," too. Anyways, Jonas mania is over and I probably won't be writing about them much anymore here, so don't worry to anyone rolling their eyes at my last post. :)

Tonight should be lots of fun, and if you can, you should come -

I'm obviously going for the friends, the free Sparks, and not for the bands the afterparty is actually for.


  1. you have no idea how many times i check here to see if you've posted your daily account of life. it provides a fun escape from the doldrums of an office haha.

  2. i've been tagged and now you have...check me blog for details.


  3. Bah! That's some pretty sub-par scrobbling. I have a sony cell phone with 8 gigs of music that I use so scrobbling isn't part of my life anymore = (

    Have fun tonight!

  4. im so prouuudd of you, girl! keep going. some of the stuff is weird but once you get into the vibe of it all you will suddenly fall in love. mark my words. ;]

  5. Wow, that only took you like... a week to listen to. I didn't expect to hear anything about Say Hi (to Your Mom) from you for a few more months at the earliest. Good Job!!!

  6. adam - haha then i'm sure you'll have fun with all my drunk posting in the early morn

    sarah - nooooo i already postedt that one a couple of months ago!!

    kyla bea - non-scrobbling last.fm is so sad to me.

    lindsay - i think it's gonna be good, just when i need a relaxed type music, not when i'm running all over manhattan and trying to stay awake!

    rick - i know, orange you proud?!?!?!
