Friday, November 2, 2007

Erica. Kelly. Jessica. Metal show.

Went to a metal show in a Brooklyn dive bar last night because Sean is awesome and I had no idea he was in a metal band because we talk about Motion City's radness all the time and he loves Paramore.

Kells, Erica and I thrashed out! Mainly because beers were two bucks and there was also air hockey.

I don't know exactly what Sean's band's name is but I think it has the word "dead" in it. Not sure.

The game of randomocity played last night was hilarious. LeTort Park whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Made it to bed...pretty sure I hugged my pillow and smiled through my sleep after I talked to you.

-- via hipfacemelting metaltop


  1. What, no pictures of the show? I wanted to be there so bad, I almost hopped a bus from Boston on Wednesday night, but I had too much work to do on Thursday.

  2. uh, DUDE, it's a sidekick! i can only get closeups. i took pics of the set, but they were all black. haha
