Friday, September 11, 2009

I behave so I can share it with you.

I love the turn...when the chilly air creeps back with the wind. Not like the summer wind in New York, which does nothing to cool, but simply smothers you with humidity and awful smells. The autumn wind reddens your cheeks just a touch, and does more to reinvigorate my mood than the fabricated sensations of an oscillating fan during the summer.

The brisk is back, and I am ready.

However, this morning was rather detrimental to my weather-happy mood, as the rain came with the gusts, and I find no fun in that on a day when I have to be outside for part of my commute.


  1. I love fall. I can't wait for it.

  2. I'm ready too! I can handle the rainy gusts because I know what amazing things are coming in behind them.

  3. I'm more of a spring fan than autumn, the promise of summer to come. A leaf fell off a tree onto my head this afternoon as I walked home, and it just depressed me.

  4. gahhh i know it's even sorta fall like in texas! exciting! rain and it's like 73 out which is amazing for us. we've had 68 days of 100+ days here. 69 is the record...hopefully we won't match or beat it.

  5. This morning I got caught in the rain too. It was terrible.
