Thursday, April 25, 2013

You're on a different road, I'm in the milky way.

On Tuesday afternoon I was able to leave work early. I'd shot a text to a friend in a fragile state about meeting up, and as so often happens with a friend in need of conversation, she asked that we meet at the nail salon. Over the acetone fumes she divulged her recent hardships, and after the purging and venting of the emotional situation, we were ready for food -- and a drink.

We're classy ladies, though, so it was off to a local eatery where we toasted my French '75 to her Southern Sea. After taking in some good greens (breakups don't always manifest in sugar, but in living well...) we wandered towards a nearby hotel bar with great views of Manhattan. We were joined by a third friend and after the first round, the bartender must have sensed our drama-tinged conversation and offered us a free shot and a free second round. And then we toasted to endings and positive mental attitudes and the future.

Hotel bars are strange. Sometimes I get the impression the clientele is simply out of towners looking for some excitement. Perhaps I just always think of that scene from Out of Sight, the one just prior to the great 'What If?' scene in which Karen Cisco deftly handles some businessmen trying to hit on her. But I digress.

I walked to the subway that night with the wind chilling my face and a big wide smile, because why not?

Last night I spent at home doing some chores and for some reason felt compelled to rewatch Brian De Palma's 1976 horror classic Carrie. I honestly don't know why I did, but I hadn't seen it in over a decade. It was creepier than I remembered, and it holds up so well. Sometimes movies can become such 'icons' or have iconic imagery that that's all that comes to mind. I'd forgotten about the odes to Hitchcock within, the great cinematography, and the still-relevant themes. By movie's end, I may or may not have also been taken by Sissy Spacek's ultra '70s locks. My obsession became somewhat solidified by the fact that I took a shower and then parted by hair down the middle, something I never do.

Below, Carrie White and myself this evening trying to rock the center part. Some strands were obviously fighting it; I have naturally wavy hair. After having short hair for a while, I'm now all about growing my hair as long as possible. Should probably keep up with watching '70s film classics for inspiration.

Carrie and Tommy

This is my attitude face with the lovely Jaime tonight in Brooklyn for an El Sportivo show.

Okay fine, here is my PMA face.