Friday, November 1, 2013


So this month I am going to post every day. Get ready for a lot of mundane posts, everyone! An exercise in daily life observations, let's say.


And how to start writing on November 1st? By discussing the 31st. Or in my case, the 26th.

Last Saturday, Jiscilla and Lea hosted a Halloween party in Brooklyn! You may or may not recognize me as Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice. I was even carrying around a camera around my neck, but, y'know, that's what was taking all these photos...

The lovely hostesses! 
I ended up coming in 3rd place for my costume! And as you can see, there was a lot of competition! I mean, almost all of the Rockford Peaches were there!

Jesse was the creepy guy in the mask that all video game players ("gamers") know, but he was still scary nonetheless. Perhaps more scary for not knowing what character he was playing...


Last night on actual Halloween I walked home from work as the little costumed children scurried around Madison Ave.* And then I esconced myself in my apartment with the cats and watched Scandal.



Work has been especially busy lately, but today is Friday: my favorite day of the week. I came home to the cats, cooked some steak, and sat down to catch up on my progr'ms. It's quiet around here without Jesse greeting me.

I've got some packing to do tonight, though. Tomorrow I'm heading to a wedding in Carlisle, Pennsylvania -- a place I spent a formative year of my life. I moved to Carlisle in 2000 with my family to spend my senior year of high school. It was a short but profound year of my life, and I'm not exaggerating. I met my best friend and maid of honor that year! And tomorrow we're heading back for her mother's wedding. 

I expect a lot of fun! And a good distraction from Jesse being a few timezones away.